Top Performing Biobank: CRB HCL

Over 2021 and 2022 there were two biobanks on the Biosample Hub platform, that performed outstandingly well.

One of these two biobanks, is the CRB of Hospices Civils de Lyon, based in Lyon, France.

Hospices Civils de Lyon

Hospices Civils de Lyon

Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) is the second biggest university hospital in France, with 200 years of medical history, HCL gathers all the medical and surgical disciplines, making it one of the only French university hospital able to take care of all pathologies. HCL community puts research at the heart of its approach to contribute to medical and therapeutic innovation. To address this mission, HCL have created a variety of innovative specialized infrastructures through the years.


The Biobank

The Hospices Civils de Lyon Biobank (CRB HCL) is one of them: we are a large-scale research support platform set up to improve clinical research and public health. Being part of this dynamic environment gives us the chance to develop strong partnerships with institutional clinicians and entrust our biocollection to active and renowned researchers, thus allowing to promote scientific collaboration worldwide on a wide variety of excellence thematics (around 500 000 samples stored through more than 100 biocollections).


Five Specialised Biorepositories

The HCL Biobank is made up of 5 specialized biorepositories, each one
coordinated by highly qualified managers in their own fields. Our involvement in the development of good biobanking practices and the coordination of the
discipline at a national level, our complementarity, and the development of the transversality of our approach during the recent years have contributed to our success.


Unique Biobank Desk

To facilitate the access to our biological samples, we chose to set up a «unique biobank desk » which allows us to centralize and address the samples requests to the right biorepository, helping each biorepository to focus on request’s feasibility and be more efficient in their response. Also, simplifying and standardizing our process of transferring samples, through a common administrative management by the « unique biobank desk » with the support of our direction, allows us to be more reactive and more efficient with the Material Transfer Agreement process. Thanks to a strong scientific support from our clinicians/ managers, a very attractive sample catalogue and an efficient coordination from our direction, the HCL Biobank is proud to be part of the Biosample Hub network.

Activities at CRB HCL